Sunday, June 5, 2016

Parallel Lives: New York <––> Chicago

This weekend Parallel Lives opened in New York. The exhibition is a collaboration between Sergio Gomez and Luis Martin: a group of New York artists showed their work at the Zhou B Art Center in Chicago, and in turn a group of Chicago artists showed their work at Parenthesis Art Space in Brooklyn. I am so grateful and honored to be part of the Chicago crew alongside these fantastic artists.

Friday night we had a VIP reception before the show opened to the public. It was an amazing night; it was lovely to spend time with the other Chicago artists, and an absolute pleasure getting to know our New York counterparts. We really do lead parallel lives - there are so many pockets of artist communities around the world, all striving to make their best work and to leave a lasting impression. It's easy to get caught up in the myopia of a solitary studio life, and it is so invigorating and inspiring to meet other artists who share this path, albeit several hundred miles to the east.

photo credit: the very lovely and talented Sarvin Haghighi

new work by Rine Boyer

new work by Sally Ko

two of my favorite pieces by Sergio Gomez

To see more photos from the reception, check out Sergio Gomez' Facebook album here
Thank you so much to Luis Martin for inviting us into your beautiful gallery. And, thank you Sergio for curating another thoughtful and inspiring exhibition.

Chicago artists featured in the show:
Rine Boyer
Sergio Gomez
Mario Gonzalez Jr.
Sarvin Haghighi
Samantha Haring
Sally Ko

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