Sunday, January 31, 2016

MAR - Fugitive

Fugitive  2016  oil on canvas  30" x 24"

Fugitive (adj): fleeting, elusive, nomadic

I've been thinking about blank space a lot recently. I just finished a wonderful book on Zen practice which has me considering the paradoxical illusion of emptiness. Absence and presence truly are two sides of the same coin; one cannot exist without the other and, as such, the two are inextricably and irrevocably intertwined. 

Tony Kushner wrote "the world only spins forward." Of the many excellent quotes from Angels in America, that has always been one of my favorites. I find it oddly comforting as a mantra; it's a reminder that while change is inevitable, nothing ever really ends. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another (one of the few things I remember from high school science. That, and Xeroderma pigmentosa.) Or, to quote Joni Mitchell, we are stardust.

All space is liminal. We are always between - between jobs, between relationships, between breaths. Betweenness is our reality on a daily basis. It well may be that whatever we are waiting for will never come. Perhaps the trick is learning to appreciate the between-ness for what it is. Maybe that's what people mean when they talk about the journey being more important than the destination. 

All I know for sure is this: where there is betweenness, there is always hope.

Enough babble. Back to the studio. Much love - 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

MAR - Wet Paint Photos and New Work

Thanks to everyone who made it out for the Wet Paint Biennial reception on Friday! I hope you all had a blast, and I wish I could have been there with you. Big time congratulations to all my fellow artists! If you missed the reception, you can see photos of the entire exhibition HERE

Charybdis 2015 chalk pastel on paper 13" x 13"

Charybdis was a sea creature faced by Odysseus in Homer's epic. She was a deadly whirlpool who caused the deaths of many sailors who attempted to traverse the narrow strait between her and the monster Scylla. To be caught "between Scylla and Charybdis" was to be torn between two impossible, dangerous scenarios - as in, "between a rock and a hard place."

Mythology, both classical and personal, has always been prevalent in my work. The timelessness of myths constantly astounds me - the fact that a story told countless decades, centuries, millennia ago can still resonate on so many levels is truly incredible (and a powerful motivator). I've been musing on a quote by Alan Rickman for the past couple of days, and I think it's relevant to share here: 

"'s a human need to be told stories. The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible." 

So much love to all of you. Open studio night next week! Tune back in for photos.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

MAR - Wet Paint Biennial

Hey Chicago, don't miss the opening reception for the Wet Paint Biennial! 
Friday, January 15th --- 7-10pm --- Zhou B Art Center. 
I am very excited to have two pieces juried into this incredible show, and I am honored to be in the company of so many lovely and talented artists. This is a great start to what is going to be an excellent year.

It was a very productive studio week. I have two new drawings in progress as well as the plans sketched out for the next three paintings. Check back next week for studio shots!

In the meantime, Cincinnati, don't miss these two marvelous painting shows. I saw them both last night and they are each well worth visiting.

1. The Other Window: Emil Robinson and Matthew Yaeger at Wave Pool Gallery

2. The Garden of Restoration: New Works by Adrian Cox and Tom Towhey at ThunderSky, Inc

Sunday, January 3, 2016

MAR - Happy New Year!

2015 ended on such a high note. I had the great honor of being interviewed by Jane Durrell for WVXU, the Cincinnati arm of NPR, about my experience as an artist-in-residence at Manifest Gallery. My family and I have listened to NPR for as long as I can remember; sitting in my parents' studio, listening to my own voice piping through the speakers, was an incredibly surreal moment and one that I will forever treasure. 

The interview is available to stream online; if you missed it live, you can listen to it here: 

2015 had its ups and downs, as any year does, but overall there were some pretty spectacular moments. Being chosen as one of the Manifest Artists in Residence... having work published in New American Paintings and the Manifest INPA 4... participating in exhibitions juried by extraordinary people including William Bailey and Aron Packer... two solo shows which led to new creative friendships and exciting collaborations... 

As good as 2015 was, 2016 is going to be even better. There are several exciting projects in the works that I cannot wait to share with you. New work will be up on my website this week - stay tuned for that. Yesterday I wrapped and packed two pieces that are on their way to the Zhou B. Art Center for this year's Wet Paint Biennial - one of my favorite painting shows and one I am beyond excited to be a part of. Later this year, three of my pieces will be featured in the Manifest International Painting Annual 5. I'll be back in the studio this week, after a lovely break, to continue making work for my solo show at the end of the Manifest Residency in May. And that's just for starters. 

Thanks for sticking with me this far. Happy New Year to my constant readers, and to those of you just tuning in, welcome. I wish you all peace, joy, and happiness in the new year. 
Much love, Samantha