Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sketchbook (fin)

It's the end of an era. This has been a particularly special sketchbook. It spanned seven years, three cities, and two countries. It was never been meant for public consumption, and many of the pages are not worth looking at. But it has been encouraging, at the end of the year, to take a minute to reflect on where I came from before continuing to move forward. I'm a different person now than I was when I started drawing in this book, and while some of the pages are cringeworthy, I'm glad to have this as a record of the steps I've taken towards becoming a better artist and, I hope, a more empathetic person.

Drawing is a process of correction. It's a record of time spent in the studio, a record of things seen and things remembered. Drawing is a way of understanding the world and how to move through it with grace and compassion. Drawing is the root of everything. Drawing is always the answer. Resolve to draw more.

These are a few pages that made me smile today. I hope they do the same for you.
So long, old gal.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

MEA Season 10

The Manifest Exhibition Annual for Season 10 has arrived! I'm thrilled to have two pieces included in this beautiful book alongside so many good friends and fellow artists. This is a special publication, as it's the first complete document of Manifest Gallery's entire season - meaning, every piece in every exhibition is recorded in this single volume. It is a lovely slice of time and a testament to the support that Manifest continues to offer artists of all media, style, and subject matter.

top left: Pair, 2014, oil on canvas, 30x30", included in Master Pieces 8

bottom: Abbraccia, 2014, oil on canvas, 18x24", included in Nude 6

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Greetings and salutations! It's been a minute... my apologies for being off the digital radar a bit this month. I've been prioritizing the studio and teaching, which means I've been less than attentive on social media. I have several new projects in the works that I can't wait to share. Recently I've been experimenting with new materials, as well as returning to some old favorites with fresh eyes. Stay tuned for more studio news next week, when we return to our regularly scheduled posts on the first Sunday of every month.

In the meantime, here for your viewing pleasure are a selection of Inktober drawings from this year. Rather than following the official prompts, I have been working on a personal project: copying every illustration in Robert Beverly Hale/Dr. Paul Richer's excellent book Artistic Anatomy. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Studio, August

Vent 2
chalk pastel on paper

Passeggiata 8
chalk pastel on paper

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sketchbook, July

a selection of gestures and figurative studies from the past few weeks

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Studio Walls, June

recent figure studies from Open Figure at Manifest Drawing Center

color studies and assorted practice pieces

palette knife studies from earlier this year, recently reinstalled on the studio wall

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Unexpected Reminders (a little late)

Unexpected Reminders 
oil on canvas

Hello dear reader. My apologies for the late post this month; Sunday was Easter and I was with my family, enjoying a much needed break from social media and the internet. Thanks for your patience. 

It's been a while since I've made an oil painting that I was happy enough with not to destroy. The beautiful thing about my current studio set up is my ability to work on both drawings and paintings simultaneously. I'm finding that the pastels inform the paintings in an interesting way, and vice versa. After spending the past year almost exclusively working in chalk pastel, it feels great to move paint around again. 

This particular image has been in my brain for a few years, but it took a while to figure out how exactly it needed to look. When I first saw this image, I had neither the skills nor the technical knowledge to execute it properly. Seeing this painting on canvas – and out of my brain – gives me hope that the current images marinating in my mind will eventually exist. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018


L'Ossatura 7 
chalk pastel on paper
7.5" x 7.5"  

L'Ossatura 3 
chalk pastel on paper
7.5" x 7.5"  

L'Ossatura (n) - bone structure, frame, framework, skeletal structure

The square within a square and other internal framing devices have been significant aspects of my compositions for the past several years. The delineated frame creates a sense of containment, as well as a gradual narrowing of focus inward from the edges to particular moments. At the same time, interruptions - modulations - fractures of that framed edge break free of the imposed containment and disrupt the rigidity imposed by such a dominant compositional element. Constraint and release. Balance in all things.

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Passeggiata 1, 2018, chalk pastel on paper, 7.5x7.5"

Passeggiata (noun, f.) - walk, stroll, promenade

A new year, a new studio, a new slow, quiet, empathetic crawl around the borders of the room...

I'm entranced by the effects of time on these weathered wooden surfaces. The subtle shifts of temperature and light are elusive and rewarding. Also, this dreary weather makes the warmth of the studio even more enticing.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, New Studio

Buon anno a tutti! I moved into a new studio recently, and I can't begin to describe how happy I am to have an entire room in which to make work again. This space has great potential for subject matter. Just look at those baseboards...

Here's looking at many happy studio days full of exploration, experimentation, failure, and joy. Stay tuned.