Sunday, June 15, 2014

pezzi della mia esistenza

It's been a great studio week, with lots of new projects in the works. I've been making small color studies on paper to test out different compositions and color relationships. There is something liberating about working on paper - probably because in my mind it's less precious than a stretched canvas. Therefore I think less and look more. Thinking is something I always forget not to do while painting. These studies help remind me.

Color is coming back into my paintings in a big way. Since the last thirty or so paintings I've made have been various shades of gray, I'm very excited about expanding my palette (and just in time for pride month, too!)

Here's a detail of one of the paint-chip-pile paintings. I've gotten so much more than I had anticipated out of that sad pile of broken paintings. Stay tuned for full images next week.

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