Sunday, February 6, 2022

13th Annual Drawing Discourse


Color Spots, 2021, chalk pastel on paper, 15x15"

installation photos courtesy of Tamie Beldue

I'm absolutely delighted to share that my piece, "Color Spots" received a Juror's Choice Award from Catherine Murphy in this year's Drawing Discourse Exhibition. 

Catherine Murphy has long been an artistic hero of mine; I deeply admire her particular vision and passion for perceptual work. It means more than I can say that she spent time looking at my drawing, let alone that she also thought it deserving of such a generous honor. 

Humbled. Honored. Still in shock, a little. There's a lot of good work in this show. If you're near Asheville, do yourself a favor and go see these pieces in person. The show runs through February 11th. 

The exhibition catalog will be available soon through Blurb. I'll post a link on my website as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading. Love you all. See you back here next month.